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Community & Cultural Experts

FSMEI's Community and Cultural Experts program is a transformative initiative designed to revolutionize the educational landscape. At its core, this program empowers educators and community leaders to collaboratively shape an educational experience that resonates deeply with the diverse cultural backgrounds and lived experiences of our students.

In an increasingly interconnected world, traditional teaching approaches often fall short of adequately addressing the unique needs and perspectives of today's learners. Our program provides direct access to esteemed educators and community leaders who possess profound insights into the history and cultural fabric of their communities, and our society.

Manny Lieras

Doctora Vanessa Ochoa

Jasmin Tobar

Eileen Lei

Tyson Amir

Jose Lopez

Dr. Jake Gordon

Madenh Hassan

Culturally Relevant Resources

Black Boy Poems Curriculum

The curriculum is common core and content standards aligned for middle school and high school English, Social Studies, Ethnic Studies and Arts classes. Conceived in the body and mind of Tyson Amir who is an author, poet, emcee, community organizer and educator with a M.Ed., Social Science credential and over 15 years of teaching experience.

Philosophy & Intention of Black Boy Poems Curriculum

Learn more about the philosophy that shaped the Black Boy Poems Curriculum.

Black Boy Poems (Book Trailer)

Tyson combines his experience surviving America as a black man with hip hop prose, and original analysis to shape a very necessary revolutionary statement fit for the 21st century. Black Boy Poems was released on Oct. 15th 2016 commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party.

BLACK Program

BLACK Program (Building Leaders & Activists with Collective Knowledge)

Learn more about the BLACK Program and how to bring the BLACK Program to your learning community. 

BLACK Program Excerpt (Building Leaders & Activists with Collective Knowledge) 

Take a look at the work that we do in our BLACK Program sessions. 

BLACK Program Year-In Review

Documenting the impact of the BLACK Program

FSMEI  Video Content

Tradition Verse 1

Tradition is one of Tyson Amir's original songs. Enjoy.

Tradition Verse 2

Click the video if you're ready to go even deeper with Tradition.

Black Boy Poems (Playlist)

This playlist contains videos for every poem in Tyson Amir's book Black Boy Poems. 

Between Huey & Malcolm

Tyson Amir performing his poem Between Huey & Malcolm in Beijing, China.

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